Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Those Poor Five Dead Hookers

A video tribute to reaffirm out blog name and the legend that Craig James killed five hookers while he was taking his kickback money at SMU:

All in fun of course - unless Craig James REALLY did kill 5 hookers at SMU!

Monday, February 27, 2012

A New Twist on the Mike Leach saga

For our younger readers and for those who are more culturally enlightened than I am, we present the Craig James-Mike Leach scandal in Rap in order to bring this scandal to the attention of younger voters and those who might like to cross over and vote in the Republican Primary in order to kick Craig James right in the b_ _ls.

Friday, February 24, 2012

How do you spell 'hypocrite?' C-R-A-I-G-J-A-M-E-S

Well, look who's hollerin' about Gays!  It's Craig James.  Isn't he they guy who just hired a jewish, openly gay guy who is legally married to another man as consultant to his campaign?

Are these two NFL Players going to hell?  They are according to Craig James.

Wow, to steal a line from Darryl Hannah in Steel Magnolias, 'that's not very christian.'

But it's very Craig James.

First, Read how Craig James hired openly gay Arthur Finkelstein:


Then read how Finkelstein married another man:


Then read how James says that gays will go to hell:


Does Craig James even have the brain power to detect the irony and the hypocrisy?

Here's more fun on Craig James:


Friday, February 3, 2012

Wedding Bells in Craig James' Future? (i.e. Who's the lucky fella?)

Get a load of what our little pay-to-pay pony expresser recently said about Gay Marriage as reported in the DMN:
"He (James) declined to say he opposes Texas' 7 year old constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. "But it's their freedom to pick and choose and do whatever they want to," he said of gays. On whether the armed services' "don't ask, don't tell" policy should have been repealed, James said military leaders, not "all of us on the outside," should make the call on whether to keep or discard the policy..."
I wonder what this means? Has James 'switched teams'?  Has he gone from 'A(F)C'to 'DC' ?  Should Mrs. Pay to Play call a lawyer?  Inquiring minds want to know.

Are there same sex wedding bells in James' future?
Hmmmm...makes you wunder who the lucky fella could be.  We think a cowboy - since James' is playing up the drugstore rancher thing, like this guy:

Bachelor #1

Or this guy:

Bachelor #2

Or finally this guy:

Bachelor #`3

Maybe it's just a hint of the future: after his crushing loss for the U.S. Senate, Craig James finds his own Brokeback Cowboy and rides off into the Sunset never to bother Republicans or Sports fans ever again. 
We can only dream...